Fun Projects
Discord Bots:
Stormageddon Bot:
A discord bot featuring music playback, automatic administration, API fetching and more.
Ongoing collaboration with CzRSpecV (Brandon Hirschpold) and Captain Zendik Wulf Penn (James Milleron).
It has many functions, but features include:
- Assign yourself a role from a group of roles
- Play music in a voice chat
- Whisper the bot developers or admins of a server
- Moderation commands
- Fully scripted setup prompts for easy setup in a server
- And More
Queue Bot:
Discord bot developed to accommodate a server that had limited spots in a game. The bot allowed a person to join a queue to get in to the game. It also allowed an admin's moderation of the queue as needed.
Adze Bot:
Discord bot developed alongside CzRSpecV (Brandon Hirschpold) specifically for the RuneScape Private Server Pylos' Community
Other Projects:
Steam Library Tool:
Fun side project for learning the Steam API. It takes a Steam ID (I.E. 76561198105045037) and will pull the game library info for that user and display it. This only works if it is a public profile.
CORS Proxy Server:
As an extension of the above project I realized I needed to create a CORS proxy to display the API information. I started with Christophe Coenraets's version of a CORS proxy and then reworked it so that it supported HTTPS, and worked in my environment.