Coding Projects


GitHub Website

I created this app for a former employer when I noticed an opportunity to reclaim valuable employee time. The process automated the alerting of personnel to status changes in amusement park rides. The app took a twenty-minute phone relay system and made it virtually instantaneous. This was accomplished by updating the end-user with the information through a pop-up message through a desktop client. I structured it not only to alert staff, but also to update digital signage to give guests the ability to see the information in realtime.



Website project I joined as an opportunity to further develop my skills. My contribution was to create its secure login systems (I only worked on the backend code, so I was not a part of design, just functionality).

Longest Word You Can Show on a Seven Segmented Display


Fun little challenge I did off of a youtube video made by Tom Scott. These Results are from when I made it, as the dictionary I used updates they may change, but the code should still work fine.

> node main.js
Total Words Searched: 466551
Longest Word: supertranscendentness
Length of Longest Word: 21
All words of that Length: [ 'supertranscendentness', 'three-and-a-halfpenny' ]

Batch Files:

These scripts change a computers name, join it to a domain, and gpupdate it. I've included these to illustrate my familiarity with command line, and creating scripts to make the process more easily accessible.



set /p name="Enter Computer Name: "
set /p c="Is %name% Correct [Y/N]? "
if /I "%c%" EQU "Y" goto :rename
if /I "%c%" EQU "N" goto :NamePC

WMIC ComputerSystem where Name="%COMPUTERNAME%" call rename name="%name%"
shutdown -r -t 15



PowerShell.exe -Command "& 'C:\Path to Powershell Script\joindomain.ps1'"
shutdown -r -t 15


$domain = "yourdomainhere"
$user = "admin user for your domain"
$password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Password for $user" -AsSecureString
$username = "$domain\$user"
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)
Add-Computer -DomainName $domain -Credential $credential



gpupdate /force
shutdown -r -t 15